Top 5 Magical Travel Moments of 2016 

Which travel memories give you that jolt of electricity in your chest that makes your face compulsively light up? (I’ll assume this happens to everyone..) Did you visit a wonder of the world, cry at a surreally beautiful landscape, or meet someone you wound up having epic adventures with?

Sometimes the tiniest, seemingly silliest moments are the ones that retain the most oomph in my mind (technical neuroscience term for one’s favorite memories). But I’ll let my top 5 travel moments of 2016 speak for themselves. Hope they can inspire your 2017 travel plans as well:
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What to do When You Can’t Stop Daydreaming About Travel


The instant I commit to staying in one place for too long (and I’m embarrassed to admit how short a time frame ‘too long’ actually is), I get antsy.

My mind’s tendency is to look to the future (aka my next destination). So staying present is my most important daily task. And it isn’t an easy one. Continue reading

6 Useful Travel Items You Haven’t Thought to Pack


The things that proved the most useful during my travels aren’t products I bought in shining moments of brilliance. I’d love to say I was born with an innate ability to pack a perfect backpack. But the truth is, packing is an art. And it follows the ‘practice makes perfect’ rule just like any other life skill. Here are the items I ended up thanking the travel gods for while I was on the road: Continue reading

Synchronicity of Life in Krka National Park

Where are you from? 

A backpacker question more relevant than your name, age, occupation or any comparably “normal” introduction. You meet people so frequently and can never know if you’ll end up talking for 30 seconds or traveling together for 30 days. So you hold off on names and, instead, you focus on their stories.  Where are you from?

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