My Most Magical Travel Moment of 2017: a Tribute to George

Magical Moments and Shared Happiness

I make a bare-minimum effort to document my most magical travel moments of the year in a sad effort to maintain this personal (public) travel journal,.

Because that’s what it’s all about. Those magical moments. These moments are usually sparked by the people I meet. And this year has been no exception.

Many incredible moments have occurred in my stark lonesome as well, but what was that devastating Into the Wild quote? Happiness only real when shared? Preach, Christopher McCandless. Continue reading

A New Travel App that Empowers Solo Female Travelers? I’m With it.


The world is teeming with good people. Teeming! They’re out there- chilling in tiny towns, bustling about big cities, frolicking in the countryside… ok, that’s enough. My point is: there are lots of good people and you can find them in all of Earth’s nooks and crannies.

But it’s not always easy to connect with them.

Not from thousands of miles away at least. And especially not for solo female travelers who may (understandably) be a bit wary of traveling alone in the first place.

That’s why I love getting behind people who are encouraging, empowering, and overall making it easier, for women to do it. Continue reading

Top 5 Magical Travel Moments of 2016 

Which travel memories give you that jolt of electricity in your chest that makes your face compulsively light up? (I’ll assume this happens to everyone..) Did you visit a wonder of the world, cry at a surreally beautiful landscape, or meet someone you wound up having epic adventures with?

Sometimes the tiniest, seemingly silliest moments are the ones that retain the most oomph in my mind (technical neuroscience term for one’s favorite memories). But I’ll let my top 5 travel moments of 2016 speak for themselves. Hope they can inspire your 2017 travel plans as well:
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What to do When You Can’t Stop Daydreaming About Travel


The instant I commit to staying in one place for too long (and I’m embarrassed to admit how short a time frame ‘too long’ actually is), I get antsy.

My mind’s tendency is to look to the future (aka my next destination). So staying present is my most important daily task. And it isn’t an easy one. Continue reading

Toss your Travel Tips: The Budapest Files

Don’t you love when a city surprises you?

On planes, in hostels, randomly on the street.. People love to give you advice about the places they’ve been. I whip out my pen and ever-handy notebook to jot down their suggestions for cities I know I’ll be visiting in the near future. And then, when I’m finally headed to that city, I go back, revisit and research their tips.

Just kidding.

I never look at them again. Continue reading

I Booked a Flight Today Because Feta. 

Not because I want to eat it.. I mean, I do.. Feta is delicious.

But when I woke up this morning in Berlin I was fully intent on heading to Eastern Europe. After a week here, I feel like it’s time to move on. The plan has been to venture by train to Bratislava and Budapest. But something has been stopping me from booking the ticket for the past few days. That’s the great thing about “plans”.. They’re always tentative until they’re actually happening. Continue reading

Learn to Trust Your Intuition

Your brain is easily conditioned. Think about the last time you talked yourself out of something that felt right. It was probably so easy to do you didn’t even notice yourself doing it. Because thats how most of us learned to make choices: not what feels right, but what makes sense. Intuition vs. Logic. 

If you’re having a hard time recalling a situation, try to remember the last time something didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. How did that scenario play out? At what point were you forced to make a choice and how did you choose?

While your mind naturally uses intuition to make choices, your brain uses the mechanisms it’s learned: that flimsy combination of logic, outcomes from past experiences, influence from loved ones, concern for how that choice will make you appear to others, etc. 

When choices are leading to negative outcomes consistently in your life it is because you’re consistently making decisions from the wrong place. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool myself into thinking I can keep doing things the same way and expect a different outcome? Well that just seems silly now doesn’t it? Continue reading

Loop this World

Loop this world. Go continent hopping. Venture so far off the beaten path you can’t even see it in the distance. Leave for a week or bop between foreign lands until you can physically bop no more. Climb a lava-gurgling volcano. Laugh around a bonfire on a beach with the fire-lit faces of strangers. Ski the alps. Meet kindred spirits from every corner of the globe. Read a book from sunrise to sunset or spend the entire day writing in a dimly lit cafe as the world fast-forwards around you. Learn how to say thank you in every language you encounter. Relax your worries in a hammock; sway until tranquility takes over. Watch the moon wax and wane and thank the stars you can be wherever you want before it’s full again. Breathe in every smile and let go of every fear until love becomes your state of rest.  Continue reading

6 Useful Travel Items You Haven’t Thought to Pack


The things that proved the most useful during my travels aren’t products I bought in shining moments of brilliance. I’d love to say I was born with an innate ability to pack a perfect backpack. But the truth is, packing is an art. And it follows the ‘practice makes perfect’ rule just like any other life skill. Here are the items I ended up thanking the travel gods for while I was on the road: Continue reading